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  • 02-555-0807

I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker

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I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker



Purpose of Form

Use this form to petition for an alien worker to become a permanent resident in the United States.

Number of Pages

Form 6; Instructions 9.

Edition Date

03/05/13. No previous editions accepted.

Where to File

The filing address depends on whether you are filing Form I-140 by itself or with another form.  Check our Filing Addresses for Form I-140 for instructions on where to mail your form.

Filing Fee


Special Instructions
•If filing at a USCIS Lockbox facility:◦Please read our filing tips.
◦We will send you a text message and/or e-mail when your Form I-140 has been accepted if you complete Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance, and clip it to the front of your petition.

•To ensure your Form I-140 is accepted for processing:
•Pay the correct filing fee of $580
•Sign the form
•Fill out the form completely and accurately, particularly these required fields:
◦Part 1 – Family Name or Company/Organization Name
◦Part 1 – Address
◦Part 1 – IRS Tax # or SSN (does not apply to Petition Types 1.a. (Alien of Extraordinary Ability) or 1.i. (National Interest Waiver)
◦Part 2 – Petition Type
◦Part 3 – Date of Birth

•Submit the required evidence listed in the form instructions


    주소 : 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 204(역삼동 718번지) 범진빌딩 4층
    역삼역 1번출구, 한국은행 강남본부 바로 옆 세븐일레븐편의점건물 4층

    월요일 ~ 금요일 : 9:00AM ~ 6:00PM
    토요일 & 일요일 & 국경일 : 휴무


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