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EB-2 Advanced Degree Professional

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EB-2 Advanced Degree Professional

Could an EB-2 Advanced Degree Professional Visa, supported by a National Interest Waiver, work for you?  Ask yourself the following questions to see if you might qualify:


An image Do you have a U.S. Master’s or doctoral degree or its foreign equivalent OR do you have a U.S. Bachelor’s degree (or its foreign equivalent) followed by at least five years of progressive experience in the field?
An image Would it be in the national interest to waive the job offer and labor certification requirements?

If you answered yes to the questions above, click next to learn more about the eligibility requirements for an EB-2 Advanced Degree Professional Visa and tips to keep in mind when submitting your evidence.



    주소 : 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 204(역삼동 718번지) 범진빌딩 4층
    역삼역 1번출구, 한국은행 강남본부 바로 옆 세븐일레븐편의점건물 4층

    월요일 ~ 금요일 : 9:00AM ~ 6:00PM
    토요일 & 일요일 & 국경일 : 휴무


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